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silkies & SuperPet and beheaded mealies!

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Posted by icequeen on April 16, 2003 at 22:21:48:

In Reply to: Re: mealies are MEAN! posted by chimbakka on April 16, 2003 at 13:22:59:

London must just not be a "reptile town" or something. I called SuperPet tonight, to inquire about the silkies and wax worms.
Buddy at the store said he never carries silkies, and he gets wax worms in occasionally...he'll have more in about two weeks from now. He said the last batch he had has turned to moths.
I asked them about an all screen enclosure as well...nope...he said "maybe some day"
When I asked what they advise their customers to house thier chams in...he told me "an aquarium". I told him that that is not proper housing for a cham, and he said that people won't pay the cost for an all screen enclosure, and besides if "anything were to happen to the chameleon, they can use the aquarium for something else". Now THERE'S a positive attidtude!!

I saw a site on line to order feeder insects in Canada...I think I'll just give them a shot. The only thing with them is that they want you to mail them a money order or cheque,(rather than using a credit card) then wait for that to clear and THEN ship out your it could take two weeks for me to get some new food on Zoe's menu. Oh's better than nothing at all.
Then that way I don't have to support these petshops that are not taking proper care of thier animals either.

I started chopping the mealies heads off this morning. When I did...the mealie just laid in the bottom of the dish...which is what I expected. What I didn't expect was how much they still wiggle and twist when you pick them up without a head!!!
I'm with Jamie on that one...they are just horrible NASTY creatures!!
I get the willies every time I even look at them! They're like jumbo maggots with legs and teeth! EEEEEEEW!

:Is there a SuperPet near you? They usually have silkies and wax worms. If you can get to one, I think you should buy a few to see if he likest them first. Most chams probably do, but Orion tried one and spit half out. Saved me about $100 though, I was going to start a farm of them for the lil bugger! lol. Maybe when he "grows up"...
:You can chop their heads off with a butter knife. Works quite well. I had to do this with my small mealies when I was injecting them with medicine. Makes them a lot friendlier! lol


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