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Posted by chimbakka on April 15, 2003 at 11:18:00:

In Reply to: Re: More ?s about Panther Temps... posted by Carlton on April 15, 2003 at 11:01:50:

Good advice! I should have just gotten a higher watt light for the guy... I do like how misty the warm one is though. I am packing up the fogger for untill he has a larger cage. It is a pain in his tank. I have both humidifiers running now, lol. The warm one is close to the screen, and the cool one is about a foot back shooting in the direction of the warm one. The air from the cool one helps with circulation (but is far enough back that Orion doesn't think it's a monster - hopefully). It also helps to keep a good temp in the tank, as well as carry some of the warm mist around. Hopefully this set up will work. I will have to keep an eye on it, and decide how I am going to work things once his cage is built. It will be 3wx2dx5'h. Any ideas on keeping humidity in that? Thanks!
Oh, and about the thermometers, I had already gotten 3 sticky ones from the store, but I will keep the gun in mind! It sounds neat!

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