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A suggestion...

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Posted by chimbakka on April 09, 2003 at 15:48:50:

In Reply to: Re: feeding while on vacation posted by Carlton on April 09, 2003 at 13:00:17:

Even though there may be ways to set everything up right, you just never know. If something goes wrong with the drip or crix on day one, you could potentially come home to a sick cham. I am thinking about going away in the spring, and this is what I thought to do:
Ask one of your trusted friends or relatives to help you out. Offer to pay them some cash, and they can keep an eye on things for you. Set up your dripper, and get them to check it daily. Also, get them to mist at least once a day for you (if humidity is a problem, or depending on the type of cham, maybe 2-3x per day). Divide your crickets up into cups that have enough for each feeding. I know with some of my friends, no amount of $ in the world could get them to count out crickets. Sprinkle some dust in however many cups you need for the week (ie - adult 2 dustings a week or whatever you do), and all your friend has to do is cover, shake, and put into enclosure. It isn't very hard, will only take 10 min, but if something goes wrong you have someone there to help right away.

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