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Illegal by federal law

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Posted by nyx on June 25, 2002 at 19:07:11:

In Reply to: Actually posted by T.B. on May 26, 2002 at 18:46:55:

It is illegal, by Federal law (which means it's illegal for the whole country, not just Fla), to sell aquatic turtles under four inches in size except for educational purposes (which means that schoolteachers and school boards may purchase them for the classroom). I work in a pet shop and have to explain this about twenty times a day to very disappointed customers - There IS a $10,000 fine involved (though, sadly, it's rarely enforced).
the reasoning behind this is: Aquatic turtles carry salmonella in their digestive tracts. Apparently someone's child put a baby turtle in its mouth and contracted salmonella, and so now it is illegal to sell small turtles. (I blame the kid and the parents, not the turtle, but oh well)

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