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Diamond x JCP hybrid thoughts. jkuroski, please read

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Posted by JohnB on May 09, 2003 at 12:37:13:

Hi, all.

Jim Kuroski said something a few days ago that's had me thinking about the hybrid issue from a different perspective. He said, and this is not a direct quote, that given all the trouble we've been having producing diamond pythons, high percentage diamond and jungle crosses may be a good thing.

As a bredli keeper, the issue of hybrids always put me on the defensive; mostly because bredli are, apparently, rather easy to produce. This doesn't appear to be the case with diamonds.

If breeding diamonds to existing hybrids is easier than breeding diamond to diamond and we can produce animals that both look fantastic and (most importantly) are accurately represented, I may have to rethink my position on the hybrid issue. It would be a shame to lose US diamond genetics to underproduction.

Of course, this raises a number of interesting questions: is the US diamond stock underproduced and in danger of dying out? Do you think it's possible to guarantee accurate representation of high-percentage diamond hybrids? Will we encounter the same problems breeding high-perecnetage (75%+) diamond hybrids as we do with normal diamonds?

What do you all think?


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