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One more thing...maybe a compromise?

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Posted by AnthonyCaponetto on April 24, 2003 at 11:09:40:

In Reply to: Yes, I am. posted by AnthonyCaponetto on April 24, 2003 at 10:39:44:

As much as I get worked up about this subject, I have to throw this in here. We are all big fans of Carpet Pythons, so that is something we have in common, and I think we should enjoy them, instead of arguing about something like this.

Look at Retics. They are mixed and matched with hardly any controversy or debate whatsoever. Why? Because when retics started being bred in captivity nobody bothered to look at locales, so mixing locales has always been accepted.

Maybe all the Aussie Carpets are like retics...the exact same species, albeit different locales. I just think that we should learn more about them before we muddy up the gene pool and then later find out that there may be more differences in JCPs/Coastals/etc. than we previously thought/knew.

I don't know....maybe the "designer snake" guys and the purists should learn to appreciate both the "man made" beauties as well as the "pure bred" Carpets. Hell, I don't even know that I'd call myself a purist, because I can tell you right now that when lavendar albino dwarf retics hit the market, I'll be jumping on the bandwagon. lol

I also can't say that I wouldn't enjoy walking downstairs and looking at a neon yellow Jaguar Coastal x Jungle Carpet, but at the same time, I never want to be in the situation where I'm unable to find natural beauties like my F1 Irian Jayas, striped Coastals, etc.


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