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Posted by AnthonyCaponetto on April 24, 2003 at 10:39:44:

In Reply to: Are you serious??? posted by Jeff Favelle on April 23, 2003 at 17:21:41:

Yes Jeff, it's disgusting because you sound like a broken record.
The only thing you've been able to say is "They're all Morelia spilota." and "Science doesn't recognize..." over and over and over again. I was under the impression that after a dozen posts, you'd have something new to say, or something to back up what you're saying.

You can save the "same species" BS because we both know there's a difference between M.s. cheynei and M.s. mcdowelli, or we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.

don't care to argue with you about it, as it sounds that you're very intent on producing "mutts." Again, nothing personal, but I choose to go with animals that are as pure as they would be in their native habitat, and I like to know as much as possible about the animals I buy.


:Are you honestly chastizing someone for having a science background and stating the facts as is known to field studies?

:Holy, I was willing to argue and discuss, but now its useless. Its disgusts you that someone knows the latin names of the animals in question? Then I see where your reference point is for your knowledge and I quietly stop conversing with you.

:Wow. That was a quick end to what would have been a great thread. Oh well.

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