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Posted by polygamus on April 22, 2003 at 17:01:55:

In Reply to: Just a comment and a question... posted by JKUROSKI on April 22, 2003 at 15:57:51:

I have 5 wives, just kidding... I used my old yahoo account, that I set up years ago.. polygamus is a horticulture name, it's a species name for some trees and plants.. I can see where the confusion would come in, I'm getting ready to launch a site, so I'll have a new account on here... acutally may do that today, I've been meaning to do that anyway, but haven't got around to doing it..
There are quite a few theories regarding the Classic Jaguar Sibs, and the Hypo jaguar sibs, I've discussed with Will Leary, and Dave Barker, it's all debatable
One thing is Jim, if you don't want the sibs, you don't have to buy them, or even worry about them!! How long have you been studying the Jaguar lines? How many Jaguars or siblings do you have? What kind of contacts have you made with the breeders? If these are gene carriers, what do you imagine will happen to the price?

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