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Posted by chris_harper2 on May 05, 2003 at 15:50:42:

In Reply to: How's this look? posted by Krystal19_85 on May 05, 2003 at 15:25:08:

Hi Krystal,

You will want to epoxy first and then apply the silicone.

The only concern I have with the cage involves the plywood, paint, and clear-coat.

The first concern is the most serious. I believe the X in CDX stands for Exterior and I believe this layer has been pressure-treated. If so, some of the chemicals used are pretty harsh and pontentially toxic. I don't think I'd trust the paint and/or epoxy to seal them in.

You should look into that because I'm not really sure.

If your father chose CDX for $$ savings, you might be able to find B/C sanded that looks okay for about the same price.

The next concern is more aesthetic. Assuming the X side of the CDX is indeed safe to use, I believe it is the less attractive of the two sides.

So if you make the X side the interior surface of your cage(s) (which makes sense) you'll be covering up the less attractive surface with a clear coat and the more attractive surface with a solid color.

Which brings me back to my recommendation that you use a colored pool paint. The price will be similar to that of the Envirotex but will coat A LOT more than the envirotex due to the thinner coat. So you'll end up saving money.

You should really check and see if the CDX is indeed pressure treated. I don't like CDX for many reaons so I've never looked into it.

Good luck.


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