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Posted by chris_harper2 on May 04, 2003 at 12:18:20:

In Reply to: heating posted by chris_harper2 on May 04, 2003 at 12:02:52:

It's quite possible that the number of cages you keep in your herp room could provide enough residual heat to keep the room elevated to a decent level and you won't require any additional room heating.

If not, you'll have to decide what temp to run the thermostat at.

For me, I run mine at what temp I want the species to be cooled off to at night - about 75* for what I keep.

This is also handy because it's about 5* cooler than what I want my eggs to incubate at. Incubators are easier to keep constant if the room they are in is a constant 5* to 10* cooler than their required temps.

Another thing to consider is how cool you want the coolest part of any cage in the room to be. This may also affect what temperature you keep the room at.

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