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Posted by chris_harper2 on May 04, 2003 at 12:02:52:

In Reply to: air exchange posted by chris_harper2 on May 04, 2003 at 11:54:44:

You'll almost certainly have to heat the room slightly in addition to heating individual cages (for thermal gradiant).

The safest way to do this is with one of those oil-filled space heaters that looks like an old radiator.

I heat my room with one of these but have it controlled by an auxillary thermostat. Make sure you get a thermostat that can handle the MAX wattage of your space heater.

I'm able to tuck mine into an area where there are a lot of supplies so it's both out of my way and is not too near any individual animal cage.

To avoid a drastic vertical heat gradient in my room I have a fan hooked up to the thermostat as well.

What I do is plug a multi-outlet strip into the thermostat and then plug both my fan and space heater into the strip. So when the thermostat turns on, both the heater and the fan run.

This keeps the air moving when the heater is running and also gives me an idea of how often my heater is having to run.

This increases safety for two reasons. First it prevents the area where the space heater is located from getting too hot and it also keeps the fan from running constantly.

If this type of space heater is out of the question, baseboard heaters are the next best thing but they are not nearly as safe. Definitely use a thermostat to control them as well.

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