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Posted by genaroleon on April 29, 2003 at 10:06:35:

In Reply to: You cant beat these pannels. Link Inside (more) posted by Krystal19_85 on April 29, 2003 at 08:51:58:

Here and in the other fourms - you seem like your going to do great with your future snake projects. Your very enthusiastic about all this and setting up your enclosures and getting the temperatures just right is something everyone should practice. I myself for the most part will not buy another snake untill I have everything just right - cage/temps etc. I swear I should work for Pro Products with the way I boost and recommend their pannels hehe. You might want to call them and ask if they will give you a discount for a quantity order - it doesnt hurt to try. I ordered my at different times and yes it did get pretty expensive - but yes the product is for lack of a better word perfect.

:I did a search in my search engine for radiant heat pannels and got nothing worth reading, so i tried radiant heat pannels (reptiles) and I found the site you mentioned, I aggree from what I read that they seem to be a product that is worth the money. My only question is isn't there a cheaper way to do this? I will have allot of enclosures, do they discount if you buy more? I guess the price is worth it in the end, just wish I had the money to do it now, I want to get them LOL even thought I don't so much as have my tanks built yet! LOL

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