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Re: Why dosn't any one like balls?

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Posted by CulebraOnna on April 17, 2003 at 13:31:08:

In Reply to: Re: Why dosn't any one like balls? posted by Coldth1 on April 16, 2003 at 21:44:24:

This is from my personal, quite limited experience. I own one ball python, I've had her for a year and a half. She's a lovely snake and while I enjoy watching her in her cage and crawling on the lawn, I think I can safely say ball pythons are not for everyone.

She has shed problems, and has only had a one-piece, clean shed, three or four times. Humidity doesn't seem to help, and it's bad to have her substrate get damp. I've been one of the lucky ones in that she usually will eat, and I never had a problem switching her over from live to f/t, and mice to rats. But I've heard she's the exception to the rule.

Many people say that a good CB ball is a nice choice for a second or third snake. A very informed beginner can probably do well with one (I was a beginner when I got her), but I wouldn't suggest it.

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