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Re: Why dosn't any one like balls?

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Posted by Coldth1 on April 16, 2003 at 21:44:24:

In Reply to: Why dosn't any one like balls? posted by Coldth1 on April 16, 2003 at 21:25:17:

In my last post i have a lot of errors and i am rewriting it so it may be a little easier to understand!:)

OK I have been reading a lot on this forum and others about people carping on Ball pythons. I can see that most of the people on here are like me read up and need a little bit more info but some guy who got a snake that didn’t want to eat and freaked him out or did something else that got them scared. Are know telling these people all the stuff they been reading isn’t true that they aren’t good snakes. I can see that the do go on feeding fasts or what ever but if you have read up you should know that and know what to do about it. I don’t even have a snake yet because i have been reading up making sure a ball is the right snake for me and right know i can say yes i think it is. The way i see the eating thing is that you gut the food mouse in and wait an allotted time for it to eat if it doesn't get a little cage to put it in and wait a couple of days. That what you should do write please tell me so i know if i am wrong or not . But I have gone on way to long one more thing i want answered is 80 buck good for a baby ball?

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