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Yeah, but whats the point?......

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Posted by davidbeard502 on April 13, 2003 at 18:43:23:

In Reply to: i disagree with other follow ups. posted by froggystyle34 on April 12, 2003 at 13:49:06:

Why would you go to all the trouble of cramming hide places all over a large tank when you do it in a much smaller-scale with a small tank? Small snakes don't NEED big tanks. It IS stressful for them and it is much easier to monitor thier health and temperatures in a smaller tank. I have a juvenile ATB that I housed in a large rubbermaid for a while. It was obviously no doing well.....not eating, I was having trouble keeping the temps and humidity up in the big cage, and it was having trouble shedding. I switched to a smaller cage and all those problems have since vanished. Wait til the snake needs a bigger cage to put it in one.

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