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Suggestions for new cornsnake owner?

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Posted by sumguy on March 30, 2003 at 12:52:49:

Just bought a baby Okeetee at reptile show 3/22. It is about 18 inches long and thick as a Sharpie. Current setup is a 10 gal critter keeper(20x10x12) with screen top, large water bowl and cave on cool side, 1/2 log on warm side, 1-2 inches repti-bark substrate with grape vine going across/up cage for climbing. Using the Fluker's UTH for small enclosures and it barely seems to warm the glass bottom so added a 50W heat lamp. He readily feeds on f/t pinkies and starts eating within minutes of discovery. I've decided to feed him 1 every 5 days or so(twice so far). The temperature and humidity gauges are in center of tank near bottom/middle. Humidty was high from repti-bark but fluctuates between 45-60% now. The temp with lamp on is ~75.
The cave is insulated and he never seems to leave it. I've read its good to handle regular except after eating so snake gets used to you. Should I leave him completely alone for a few weeks to adjust to new home or get him used to being handled right away?
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