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Help Needed Please!!!

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Posted by bensambrook on March 02, 2003 at 15:47:47:

I am looking to buy a snake (not the first, but the first since I was young). I have a love for most pythons / boas but realise that the majority are not beginner snakes. I have surfed the net / read books looking for info regarding Ball (Royal to us Limeys LOL) Pythons but much of it is conflicting. The impression I am getting is that a WC Ball is no snake for a beginner whereas a CB bred one is not so bad. Could anyone tell me please if a CB Ball would be any harder to care for as a 1st snake compared to one of the more domestic species e.g. corn snakes). Also any advice on picking a healthy snake would be much appreciated and do you think that a juvenile or yearling would be best?

Thank you in advance for any help.

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