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Re: HELP! Yearling not eating.....injured by other yearlings

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Posted by bloomindaedalus on April 18, 2003 at 14:00:47:

In Reply to: Re: HELP! Yearling not eating.....injured by other yearlings posted by Boxiebreeder on April 18, 2003 at 00:36:43:

Even among non-social reptiles, close quarters can cause stress on the weaker ones. Though its not well-documneted this is well-known among snake keepers particularly new world boids). I have seen large groups of slider snad other basking turtles in which a runt gets less food and becomes more shy in general and so eventually has to be separeted. BOX TURTLERS NEED LOTS OF SPACE. this should not be forgotten or underestimated in importance. Its probably a good idea to separate this guy. As for the lethargy, since he did suffer an injury i would strongly suggest you take him to a qulaified reprile vet soon. He may have an infection which is not for which there are no obvious (topical) indications. As for as stimulating appetite try banana, cut up strawberry, tiny bits of cat food, live waxworms or small earthworms or slugs. If none of these items are accepted by an american box turtle, there is usually a problem It also bears repeating that hatchling (and adult for that matter) bopx turtles do better with a humidity gradient as well as a thermal graident and it will surely help if there are four hides: one in a warm-wet, one in a warm-dry, one in a cool-wet, and one in a cool dry area of the enclosure so that the animals may feel safe and still get the temp and mositure they require.

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