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Re: Box Turtles outdoors in Phoenix?

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Posted by bloomindaedalus on April 16, 2003 at 19:15:21:

In Reply to: Box Turtles outdoors in Phoenix? posted by JDM on April 16, 2003 at 00:06:11:

I live in Phoenix and i have desert boxies on the balcony but i will tell you they have already retreated fromt he heat and as you know it hasn't hit 90 yet. You should DIG down a small area in your yard and partly cover the area with a well supported board (plywood is fine), line the bottom of the hole with leaves and even moss if you can get it, and mix in a good fertilizer-free and perlite-free topsoil. Then soak the hell out of it. Keep this area moist or even wet all summer via a hose. This should allow the animals to keep moist when they need to and they will likely wander all about in the early morning and then as the sun sets. If you have a sprinkler set it to go on now and then (if you can do so without getting fined) if you want to talk turtles or arizona herps feel free to email me.


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