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new owner with many questions

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Posted by bozone on March 29, 2003 at 18:46:44:

Hi to everybody. Here's the situation, I found an eastern box turtle in my yard almost 2wks ago. I live in S. California, and decided to keep him after finding out what kind of turtle he was, and that these are not his native conditions. I'm pretty sure he just came out of hibernation, because it was right after a big rainstorm. His shell show signs of previous problems, but is firm, though dull in color.

I've tried to look up as much info as I can, but still have a few questions. He's outside in a 6'x18' enclosure with plenty of shade, 3 hiding spots, a large planter dish full of water, lots of leaves to burrow under. I found Tess Cook's website, and have been feeding him per her recommendations. I also spray his area in the afternoons to keep the humidity up.

The questions are: How often do turtles defecate? I read some of the posts here that say feces should be checked regularly for parasites.
How cold can it get outside and still let him hibernate aturally?
And finally he's been eating regularly until 2 days ago. He was active, moving around in the morning and early afternoon, then burrowing in for the night. I know he didn't come out yesterday, and today I'm not positive, but he's in the same place still all covered in leaves. Is this normal behavior? When should I start to worry, and do something? Will turtles try to go back into hibernation? Its been warm here in the day time, and hasn't been dropping below 50f at night the past few days.
Thanks for your patience, Rainbow.

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