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need some advice

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Posted by JohnLokken on May 10, 2003 at 13:14:05:

In Reply to: need some advice posted by josh_40 on May 10, 2003 at 12:29:27:

It really sounds to me like you need to change your perspective a little. Try and look at all this "interaction" from your snakes perspective. You are a wild animal (Regardless of how tame it is) and you are a solitary animal by nature. Now you are getting thrust into a situation that is totally foreign to you. New smells...a ton of "potential" preditors looking at you and poking you. See where I am going with this? :)
Some animals regardless of their nature are not good "educational" animals. Yours going off feed is a huge sign showing this. These are not humans. They react instinctually to situations. Not because they are stubborn.
You sound like you are "young". I am happy to see young herpers out there. It really is a great thing. And, the fact that you want to share this joy with others is even better. But, with this comes an even larger responsiility. Just think if a situation happens were you take your snake to school and someone gets bit. That is very bad for you.........And, very bad for herping in general. Snakes already have a bad stigma associated with them. You want to make real sure that you don't do anything to add to that. That means you need to be as careful as possible. Not that you aren't. But, I just want to stress this fact.
I would say the best animal for a presentation would be a common boa. Both Argentines and Dum's are great. But, I think more problems could arise with those two than the other.
Hope this helps.

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