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new Candoia (longish)

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Posted by Carlton on May 09, 2003 at 18:58:00:

In Reply to: new Candoia (longish) posted by Sonya on May 08, 2003 at 12:17:59:

Thanks for the info! I am hoping to avoid the whole scenting thing with a more expensive, cbb known pinkie eater, but right about now I am looking at my tuna cans with more than usual interest LOL. I knew up front that getting anything like newts, geckos, frogs, here would be difficult so Jerry selected this guy based on that. Raven kindly sent me some tips, so here's the jist of them. Sometimes the enclosure can be too big and they tend to stay hidden. Smaller Rubbermaids worked better and the neonates were more active and fed better. They can take longer to settle in than other boas and prefer a quiet house location during that time. Feed only every 7-10 days. Also, leave the pink in the tub and don't even check on it until the next evening. No disturbance at all while the food is present. We'll see how this works. Luckily my guy is in good condition so there is some time.

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