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new Candoia (longish)

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Posted by Sonya on May 08, 2003 at 12:17:59:

In Reply to: new Candoia posted by Carlton on May 08, 2003 at 00:04:18:


:I've just received a beautiful male C. carinata paulsoni from Jerry Conway and wanted to say hello. Getting him home was a bit involved (I'm in SE AK) but worth it. He's a tiny gemlike white isabel. Now if he'll get down to eating I'll stop being a nervous new parent. He's been a pinkie eater from birth (thanks Jerry!) but is still distracted from his complicated travels I hope. If you hear whiny posts from me for a few days please indulge them! Any tips welcome.

Very cool and if you get any tips you MUST post them. Trying to get actual experience and information on Candoia seems to be hard as finding hen's teeth. Other than rolling eyes and "oh, good luck!" I have been on my own with a few I got at White Plains. Anything cheap may be worth what you pay for it but I wanted to try some. Got some tiny ones...4 grams. Lost some within the week(started with 6) and I think lost another from temps. I am pretty sure. Though they were sitting on the heat they seem to not do well with too much. Anything over 82 worries me with them. I finally set them up as stably as I could with our fluxuating spring temps. Then to get them to eat. These had been taking scented pinkie parts I was told. I tried anole scenting, gecko scenting. Anole parts and parts of pinks scented with frogs. After losing one I got more nervous, which didn't help. Plus I am finding Candoia interesting to get used to. Sort of like a ball python but more pig headed.
Anyway, and I don't offer this as advice, but rather what worked for me so far. And this is just coming up on a month. I have 2 males left. Couldn't get them to take scented anything, and I am usually pretty good with feeding. I get other people bringing me things to get them to eat. One of those worthless gifts of mine. So these two would track a scented pinkie part but no going for it. (I had the best luck with frog scenting.) Then, desperate that they were thin and gonna die.....I tried small salamanders. I was sure they would die, afraid the sallies were toxic, but I have northern duskies, red backs and two lined here in NY and no luck with the 'feeder' anoles, gex or frogs I had bought. The dusky sal barely hit the floor when the little monster was on it and ate it. Both have taken them twice and lived to tell the tale. Gotten more active, for candoia, which my son calls "the laziest snakes on the planet". I am not sighing relief yet, but I was certainly happy to see interest. I hope to get enough size on them so they can take newborn pinks before summer's end.
You are so lucky to get a pinkie eater. I wish you luck. And DO keep us posted.
I am saving my money for some of Jerry's babies soon.

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