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Does anyone see a problem with this?

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Posted by ginevive on May 13, 2003 at 11:03:58:

In Reply to: Does anyone see a problem with this? posted by Krystal19_85 on May 12, 2003 at 12:16:15:

OK I am new to ball pythons, I admit. I got my first one a few months ago. But already I have spent well over $50 on his care, caging, heating/electrical requirements, feeding especially, and upkeep. And this is all true, even though I got him for free (adopted), so an initial snake-purchase/shipping cost is not included in my estimate of how much I spent on him. If I had bred him, say, or bought him, a substantial investment would have had to be put forth, and I would not want to just give that away. Another thing, I think that if a $20 pricetag were in any way viable for balls, it would definately be implicated in the money-grubbing pet shops I have visited. If they, usually providing substandard care, cannot afford to sell the balls cheap, how could any good breeder?
How could you break even by selling them for less than $50?
While I'm at it, I'll stray off topic a bit. I am into frog/toad keeping also, but this is relevant to the cost of BPs also. I see Firebelly toads/newts/dwarf frogs at pet stores all the time, always priced at around $2-5. this cheap price encourages uneducated people, especially kids, to just buy them and not really care about them much. I have witnessed the gruesome sight of 4 african dwarf frogs frozen in ice on an outside porch of a house I delivered to once, in a poor neighborhood of town. I would fear that the low pricing on herps would lead to the ignorant and not-financlally-well-off people buying them and not being able or willing to care for them right. Pets are really a luxury, and their prices should be raised, if anything, not lowered...!!

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