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Posted by Slaytonp on May 11, 2003 at 09:23:54:

In Reply to: New to the forum. posted by joseph1 on May 11, 2003 at 03:27:49:

:Sphaghum moss gets pretty long and may tend to overgrow onto your glass in time, so may take some maintenance to control. I prefer the short tropical moss. This seems to like quite a bit of light and tends to die off in the darker and boggier places in the vivariums, but it's nice where it's happy. Look back a week or so in the forum where we had a long discussion on various mosses. Avoid the northern seasonal mosses that need periods of dormancy and a cool environment.

I think whether the frogs will utilize a waterway or not depends upon its depth, texture of the bottom, how rapidly it is running, and nearby cover for the shy ones. They don't go "swimming" in deep water, at least not deliberately. (They can swim in a pinch, but need an easy egress to land in case one falls in if the water is of significant depth). Most do like a place to soak such as a shallow dish partly covered with a piece of curved bark or cocoanut shell. Be sure to keep the water fresh with frequent rinsing. They don't drink in the sense that a dog laps up water, but absorb water through their skins for hydration, especially if the humidity isn't high enough. Even my frogs that don't utilize bromeliads for breeding like to back into the axils and soak in them. These too, need the water refreshed so the frogs aren't sitting in their own waste.

Welcome to a great hobby.


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