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Here's what you may have

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Posted by Slaytonp on May 11, 2003 at 22:20:30:

In Reply to: Here's what you may have posted by joseph1 on May 11, 2003 at 21:19:08:

I am too embarrassed for words. I didn't catch "Sagina" and was thinking "moss." I should be a better botanist than this!! Sagina subulata is a common outdoor ground cover, especially in California. It is neither tropical nor at all suitable for a terrarium environment. It will rot immediately, I can promise you and is not worth even a trial no matter what I said earlier. I should have taken the clue that it was purchased at Home Depot which doesn't carry terrariam mosses or exotics. Plant it in your garden, or if it is too late, and it's already in the vivarium, order some good stuff-- some tropical moss and selaginellas to replace it. It costs more to have shipped, but you have already paid a price for some delicate frogs. My dad always told me to plant a $5.00 tree in a $50.00 hole, or you're out $5.00.

I appologize for pretending being a "know-all" before doing my homework thoroughly with all of the information.


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