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Some breeding lines may be shy, I don't know for sure.

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Posted by Slaytonp on May 08, 2003 at 16:44:24:

In Reply to: your recount of the WWF frog girls Smack down is too funny! posted by shopaholic on May 08, 2003 at 13:49:03:

Both my imitators and the pumpkin galacs appear to recognize me as opposed to a stranger or even one of my adopted boys. They will usually hop away from strangers, but get right into the middle of any maintenance I may be doing, probably because it scares up the "the big game," causing the fruit flies to spring around. I may move differently from most visitors. I've worked with horses a lot, and may unconsciously approach all animals in an oblique, unthreatening manner. The galacs in particular will also often watch activity in the room outside of their vivarium. On the other hand, my blue auratus will always hide when anyone approaches. After trying everything I could to get them to come out and be active, from changing the tank arrangement, providing "canyons" etc., I finally found that if I allow the condensation to remain on the glass, they will become quite active. However, this rather defeats the pleasure of being able to see their colors well.

While they aren't the warm and fuzzy animals that dogs and cats are, these frogs do appear to have recognizably different "personalities," and even appear to show some signs of what may be primitive "intelligence." One instance I related earlier in this forum was when one of the galacs inadvertently captured a tiny platy fry while fishing in the aquarium section for fruit flies that had fallen in and were struggling on the top of the water. Within a minute or two, all of them were lined up on the bank or out on the logs "fishing." All they needed was a six pack of Bud to look just like our local fishermen in orange jumpsuits. There were no further "catches" that I observed, and their efforts didn't last long, but it seemed to show some sort of communication. There is also one secton of river run in which the terrarium portion is terraced from below the aquarium glass divider so the frogs can see the fish below the water. They will sit and watch the fish, follow the fry around and occasionally jump at them.

:I wish I'd had a video camera for the fight. The imitator tank is deep and it was hard to get pictures at a good angle that weren't ruined by the glass or flash reflections. But here is just one rather poor one.

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