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Entire view of the "Paludarium" sans kitty

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Posted by Slaytonp on April 28, 2003 at 22:01:15:

In Reply to: Entire view of the "Paludarium" sans kitty posted by kyle1745 on April 28, 2003 at 20:55:01:

:Nice, but looks like way too much water for darts, and very little land.


:The ratio of land to water is deceiving. There are actually only about 25 gallons of water and the land is terraced from below the glass dividers behind them. If you look through the "river run," which is only 6 inches wide, and the left end section from below, also only 6" wide, it looks as if it extends far back to a bank, but this is all land below the water beyond the glass. (It does take some maintenance to keep the back glass divider clear to get this effect. I have three frogs in there. They have lots of caves and room. They negotiate the branches between land sections on either side of the "lagoon" with ease.



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