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would 2 60 watt Flourescents be to much?

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Posted by Homer1 on April 24, 2003 at 12:20:36:

In Reply to: would 2 60 watt Flourescents be to much? posted by rc_racer_007 on April 24, 2003 at 11:24:42:

Look, bub. If you're only finding halogens at Lowe's and Wal-Mart, you aren't looking very hard. Both of those places carry more than one style of fluorescent fixture and multiple bulbs. I can't tell a thing about the light from the pic you posted. Just use some common sense guided by the copious amounts of advice you have been given over the last week or so. You should be able to get more than enough answers to your questions in the archives.

Anyway, the lighting is solely for the benefit of the plants you plan on using. There's no need for a super bright or super expensive light unless you are really gung ho on using plants that require it. You can select plants like ficus pumila (creeping fig), ludisia discolor (jewel orchids), various selagenellas (club moss), pothos, java moss, etc. that don't require a ton of light. A simple two bulb 24" fluorescent shop light placed in your canopy would grow all of the above very well with an expenditure of probably less than $25, with replacement bulbs running from $1-$7 depending on what you got. My guess is that you could even grow tropical moss under those conditions--but I won't swear to it.

If you're looking for knock your socks off light, go the next step and get an 55 watt kit. It's probably about the same price as the hood you're looking at, replacement bulbs are about $7 (which is probably what the bulbs you have there cost). So, go high or low (cost and intensity). Just figure out what you want in there first, and how much you want to spend. It really is that simple.


:i think it was you that mentioned the lights of america 60 watt. i went to lowes and wal-mart and they did have it. just regina cool halogens.

:heres what im looking at ona aution site. im sure i can get those bulbs with that kalvin rating.


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