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would 2 60 watt Flourescents be to much?

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Posted by Homer1 on April 24, 2003 at 21:38:50:

In Reply to: would 2 60 watt Flourescents be to much? posted by rc_racer_007 on April 24, 2003 at 19:35:09:

I wasn't trying to be harsh. I just wanted to make the point that you don't have to be married to one brand or make just because someone recommended it. You just have to pick something that meets your needs--and that's determined by what you plan on growing in the tank and how much you're willing to spend. Between Lowes, Wal-Mart, and there are certainly enough different fixtures to cover those needs. Without you suggesting what you want to grow, there is no way anyone can tell you exactly what you need.

As for "flood lights", I'm not sure I understand why you're looking for those. I personally don't know anyone who uses those for terrariums, and looking specifically for those will certainly (1) make it difficult to find fluorescent versions (although they are available), and (2) mean you are probably going to have a difficult time finding replacement bulbs. You can have a great terrarium without going for something exotic. Everything I have used came either out of a scrapyard or from Lowe's.

You just have to have a clear vision of what you want, what that requires, and have some creativity getting there. As long as it's done with the environmental needs of the frogs in mind, the world is your oyster.

That said, most of your questions are covered in the archives. I know, because I mined a lot of them out 6-7 months ago. Also, and are great places that cover nearly everything you need to know.

Good luck,



:any ways, i looked for work and flood lights. both lowes and wal-mart had tons of flourescent fixture and bulbs, but no flourescent flood or work lights. i found both no lights of america lights at all. zip, zilch, nada. I have read on many other forums when finding info on them that they were extremly hard to find and most couldnt find them at lowes or wal-mart. i still havent checked home depot yet. sorry if im asking too many questions, not every post in the archeives answers every question.

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