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Posted by ALanolis on May 06, 2003 at 16:26:19:

In Reply to: anyone ever see a multicolor anole? posted by eric adrignola on May 06, 2003 at 15:12:04:

:anyone ever see a multicolor anole?
Yep, lots.

:It was a south or central American Anole, larger than American anoles, but it was weird.
Overall Anoles are most common in two areas, the SE US and the Caribbean. There are a lot of species now located within the US, a lot of which were introduced this past century. Even the most native, the common green Anole, was brought here a long time ago. But they can also be found in Mexico (aka Central America). Heck, thanks to exporting, Anoles are even found in Hawaii and Japan now. But as for south American vs. central vs. US American -- the two most distinguishable ranges are the SE US and the Caribbean, the latter of the two being the spawning point for Anoles overall. Most Anoles fall under a surprisingly narrow size range, with the exception of the trunk ecomorphs and larger species in general, which mingle within the entire range. The largest is the Knight Anole of Cuba, which is Caribbean. Knight Anoles are also now seen in the SE US though.

:It had better color changing
The color changing cells of Anoles are similar to those of Chameleons, but no where near as complex (feel free to checkout my guide). Anoles have either two colors to change between, or shades of a basic color range. Color shifting is also correlated with how complex the brain and nervous system is, but this is when dealing with animals who voluntarily manipulate their color, like octopi. Anoles change color based on mood, temperature, emotion, and health status. Light can do it as well. I once saw a green Anole that was irregularly exposed to sunlight, and when it moved it was all brown with some large green patches.

:Like a chameleon an almost prehensile tail, and was, for the most part, slow moving. It was an Anole that acted like a chameleon.
Most Anoles are flighty, vigilant, quick lizards. I am not too farmiliar with any species that could be otherwise. Perhaps the false chameleon species are indeed more pseudo-chameleon like than just by appearance? Anyone? 59herps? Well, for the heck of it, here is a pic of one....

Anolis (Chamaeleolis) barbatus

Anolis (Chamaeleolis) porcus

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