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while cute... it sends the wrong message... more>

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Posted by ALanolis on May 01, 2003 at 15:03:25:

In Reply to: while cute... it sends the wrong message... more> posted by jmorris on April 30, 2003 at 22:47:01:

I am currently in the works of rewriting my care guide. The population control page is getting more revision than any other page, in fact, I've already rewritten it 3 times and I still have discrepancies with it. Jmorris' theory or overcrowding leading to omission of asserted dominance is not always true, but is possible. What is even worse is when dominance is asserted, because subordinate Anoles won't always tolerate it and some may end up stressed and ill. Stress is the #1 killer of Anoles, however it's caused.

If you do house multiple Anoles in one enclosure, first consider your level of experience. If you're new to Anoles, you don't even need to be getting more than one. If you're sorta experienced, you'll encounter far less problems with housing multiple females, or keeping them all individually. And once you get experienced over the years, a small colony of one male and no more than 2 females is sufficient.

On a final note, notice the coloration of the Anoles in the photo. Though it may not be stress (they may be frightened by the camera or they're cold for instance), it's not easily ignored.


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