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any one know what type of anole this is ?

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Posted by Yann Horstink on April 26, 2003 at 18:20:30:

In Reply to: any one know what type of anole this is ? posted by bordercolliebaby on April 26, 2003 at 15:01:57:

There aren't much Caribbean Anolis legal imported since 1989. Knowing some of the South Caribean still does exoprt I asume we can say it is on of them. As far I can see the animal looks like an roquet group related species. The exported species of roquet group are Anolis aeneus, A. richardii and A. trinitatis (...but I sill haven't seen any export of them in years). I would say its an juveniele of Anolis richardii from Grenada, but it's only my opnion, and I'm not more then about 50% sure about it. It's hard to say what kind of species it would be. Can you tell us more about this anole (like size, other collors, dewlap and more)? Probably it will help.


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