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Newly aquired Cuban Night Anole, problems: acclimation

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Posted by JustinM. on April 22, 2003 at 14:07:58:

I bought a nice, healthy, robust LTC night anole at the New England Reptile show this previous Saturday. I have him/her? housed in a 55 gallon with newspaper as a temporary substrate, two potted plants, a water bowl with a heat pad beneath the glass it is on and large disinfected(clean) branches. I know that they are arboreal and there basic requirements.......the same as green anoles but on a much larger scale. I'm currently working on an acrylic cage for my leaf-tail gecko and I will move my night anole into my leaf-tail's previous cage after the acrylic has been set up.
Now, the vendor I purchased my anole from said that he/she has been a voracious eater on crickets and really neverminded mice and never tried anoles. I placed crickets, an anole and a hissing cockroach in it's cage and it won't eat to no avail??? I only have 1 spot bulb with a 75 watt bulb placed at the highest point of the branches in the cage and in the middle of the cage. My ambient room tempertaure is a low of 70 at night and around 75 during the day. With all my herps and inverts in my bedroom there is good ventilation and nice temperature(s) for all my animals to thermoregulate in their individual cages. My main question is how sensitive are night anoles during acclimation??? Should I buy some pinkies, a mouse, other feeders this week and see what he/she likes??? Lastly, should I go ahead and put soil in th cage and create terrarium of sorts; even though it is a temporary cage??? Should I add another spot bulb for heat???Thanks to anyone who answers:)

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