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Re: Another cause of death ?

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Posted by Yann Horstink on April 09, 2003 at 17:38:18:

In Reply to: Re: Another cause of death ? posted by ALanolis on April 09, 2003 at 14:49:21:

~~D3 is the worst supplement to give. Never give D3 as a supplement. They need to produce their own through exposure to UVB lighting. Once or twice a week, insects should be dusted with a multivitamin powder and a D3 free calcium powder.

First at all check the points mentioned in the two replies.
Second part is about the Vitamin D3. Indeed the need to to produce their own through exposure to UVB lighting.
You may need to know UV-lamps (like Zoomeds, Arcadia and others) have been proven givving UVA-UVB. There are some points that need been known. First reptiles need the be exposured to ~ 20 mJ/cm20² per day. Reptisun 5.0/ Iguanalight from Zoomed does give 20 mJ/cm20² when the distance between the animal and the lamp is 30 cm. When using a bigger distance a lower amount of mJ is givven then needed. When the lmap is above glas (4 mm) the amount of UVB is only 2,4% of this. Using Acrylic glass (3 mm) still give 87,5% of UVB. Zoomeds Reptisun 2.0 gives not more then 10 mJ/cm20² with a distance from 5 cm between tank and reptile. Within this types of lamp using you need to suply D3. Givving only D3 wil give very big problems (MBD). I know people gives there anoles a combi between UV-lamps and drops. These Anolis are in top condition and breed verry good (like Anolis (Norops) bicaorum, from a studbook).
A next thing we need to now is that Anolis are highly productive in captifity (30 eggs a year), since the haven't raining seasens (period when most Anolis are productive in nature). To use more Ca, more D3 is needed.


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