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Re: Another cause of death ?

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Posted by ALanolis on April 09, 2003 at 14:49:21:

In Reply to: Another cause of death ? posted by beuz on April 09, 2003 at 03:22:16:

:I got a couple of green anoles (4) in a large 55 gallons tank, with heat pads, heating lamps, (during day: about 91 degrees)
Daytime heating should consist of three gradients spanning the longest stretch of the enclosure. The basking spot on one end at 85-92ºF, the overall around 80ºF, and a cool spot nearing 75 or so. Do you use a 5% UVB 30-33% UVA producing fluorescent such as Repti-Sun 5 or Repti-Glo 5?

:i feed them with small / medium cricket, that I powder with D3
- Try varying the diet a little. Just feeding one insect is not healthy enough.
- D3 is the worst supplement to give. Never give D3 as a supplement. They need to produce their own through exposure to UVB lighting. Once or twice a week, insects should be dusted with a multivitamin powder and a D3 free calcium powder.

:Here are the symptoms: they start by having black around the eyes, don't move much more, get thinner in one day and die.
:It is not the first one that dies with the same symptoms. Is it just a close death symptom, or is it sign of a particular disease?

Black circles around the eyes, males mostly, are called Postorbital spots, rings, and/or circles. They typically appear when the male is very agitated or angry. Perhaps he was being bullied by other Anoles and starved to death. Also stress could have killed, especially if you never had fecal samples checked for internal parasites. The stress would have caused the parasites to rapid increase in population.


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