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Knight Anole Not.........

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Posted by OneTwoManyHerps on March 13, 2003 at 11:21:22:

My knight anole "Fumar" isn't doing too good. He ate the mangoes and went to the bathroom in his water but that was the only good fecal I could get from him but is broke apart. Also he keeps having little fecals like the size of a green anoles. I don't know what is wrong with him but I am going to try and get a test done to see if he has parsites. He is skinnier than usual and doesn't bask much, I've noticed he is very dark during the day and his temps read out good too. He was in the shower last night and he drank the water which looked like allot so I hope that helped with his health. I don't want to take him to the vet because he gets stressed way too easily and doesn't like allot of ppl other than me. Oh and also his fecals have been somewhat runny and smell bad too. I am going to give him a pinky today after school so I hope that might bring him back to health a lil' as well. Sorry for the long post but I really don't want to loose him.

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