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Well, ya see......

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Posted by ALanolis on March 08, 2003 at 19:52:33:

In Reply to: Monkey anole? posted by rowad on March 08, 2003 at 18:23:58:

This is the type of problem generated by the usage of common names. I'll be holding an Anole species, and someone would say "Do you know what a Blah Anole looks like?" I'd be like, "I have no idea what you're saying pale," as I hold the very species in my hand knowing good and well what the latin name is. So I can't help with the monkey Anole issue. Hopefully someone else here can. :-)

A blue Anole eh? There are blue phased green Anoles, which are still Anolis carolinensis, they just lack yellow related pigment, so their skin is blue hued. Then there are many species with blue on them somewhere. The most common is the Honduran morph of Anolis allisoni, where as the male typically has a blue head. Various subspecies of Anolis roquet are also often sold under the name "Blue Anole."

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