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Re: Difficulty getting CITES II export permit from US

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Posted by Wu-Gwei on January 20, 2003 at 23:25:16:

In Reply to: Re: Difficulty getting CITES II export permit from US posted by Roy Stockwell on January 20, 2003 at 01:27:42:

Thanks Roy.

So if my friend were to export from the US to CAN, these are the permits required and prices - correct? Oh boy! Quite expensive, eh.

I have two more question about CITES. How many animals of the same species may be put on one form? Can you put different species on one CITES export application?

US CITES Export Permit - US$25
US Import/Export License - US$50 (good for one year)
US 3-177 Permit & inspection - US$55
US Exception from Designated Port Permit - US$25 (good for two years)
CDN Turtle Import Permit - CDN$35


:The biggest problem with getting CITES export permits, is first finding an American willing to apply for them.
:They may have to prove legal origin of their specimens, ie how they came to the USA.
:Some species that are known to be legally imported in mass, tend to be "blanketed" and export permits will come with few problems.
:Other species where there are few known legal founder stock will be trickier to get permits for.
:Such is the case with almost all Australian fauna, since they don't export, and haven't for eons.

:Any animals crossing the border by car, will also require the "exception from Designated port permit" as border ports are handled differently from
:designated ports, thus they have a special permit for this..It's only 25 bucks for 2 years...
:The normal US import/export license will also be required, and your friend will need to have that if he is the one bringing them out of the US.
:He will also have to book the inspection 2 days in advance.
:Chelonians cannot be imported without a special Canadian permit.. This is very restrictive, and last I heard, the imports can't be sold or traded.

::I am getting a friend to bring across the border CITES II torts, crocs & other herps. How difficult is it to get the permits from the US? I have read R. Stockwell's, USF&W, & CITES websites about process, but I would like some practical experience/advice.



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