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Re: confused about importing from exporters...please help!!

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Posted by rkreptiles on December 29, 2002 at 08:19:42:

In Reply to: confused about importing from exporters...please help!! posted by ram on December 28, 2002 at 16:57:50:

First off it is not being greedy at all, it is smart business. Why would a person in the buisness of importing "give" someone else the information as that person can now become their competition? Alot of importer (myself included) have worked for many years to establish good, reliable, trustworthy exporters in countries. I personally have had to search to find exporters and even had some steal money from me. This is why I do not give away my contacts information. If a person wants to find an exporter they just need to search and keep searching and they will go about the same way as most do. there are some people that when getting out of the importing business will sell their contacts or a list of Contacts. This is a good easy way if you have the money and someone that will sell you their contacts.

:I know people don't want to reveal who they import from, but how do you go about finding an exporter, I understand them not wanting to reveal their exporter but I don't understand why they don't want to reveal the steps in finding one. It being greedy if you ask me. If you know how to find an exporter please let me know.

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