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Re: confused about importing from exporters...please help!!

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Posted by rkreptiles on January 05, 2003 at 07:19:18:

In Reply to: Re: confused about importing from exporters...please help!! posted by ram on December 29, 2002 at 20:43:19:

As I said before you just need to search. Try searching the internet, try searching differnet web sites (sometimes you will find exporters advertising on forums), Or you can talk to some importers already and just purchase from them. That is how I did it, I searched hours upon hours and days upon days for some of the contacts I have now.
Importing in small numbers is also not a great thing, and most exporters have minimum orders and most of them reuquire you to order a bunch of non-C.I.T.E.S. animals you do not really want in order to get the C.I.T.E.S. animals you do. One of the main factors that will hurt your wallet is the freight charges. Most Freight carriers charge between $8-$20per kilo. Even a small shipment will be around 45 kilos ($360-$900) (depending on what animals and carrier), then there are USFW inspection fees ($55-$115), Broker fees ($125-$300), Freight forwarding fees ($100 and up) if you are not close enough to the designated port of entry. Plus you have your cost of your Import/Export License $50, Plus any other licenses that your state requires you to have for such a buisness.

:i get your point, but where do I start, I can't ask people for help, what was the first step in finding an importer for you rkreptiles? I am not really looking to buy large amounts of reptiles for sale, but rather just for me, so I can have my own bloodlines and stuff...

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