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What kind of lizards are THESE? Dwarf Tegu & Bearded Dragon?

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Posted by AggressiveKitten on October 21, 2002 at 11:26:29:

Yesterday I met a guy who was looking to adopt-out these two lizards (He posted them in the classifieds section on here). One of them looks like a dwarf tegu, but i'm not sure. He's got like a brownish kind of head, and a grey body, with blue, and blue-greenish spots on his back, and belly. He's very fast sometimes, and other times, he's pretty laid back, he hasn't tried to bite, he's about 9" or bigger, mostly tail. He eat's like a monitor, or tegu would--and he's a pig! I'm just not sure what it is. Anyone have any suggestions to what he might be? The other one looks very similar to a bearded dragon, except it doesn't have the spikes on the sides, other than that, he looks exactly like a beardie, but his color is also very strange, he has a dark brown/gray color with very orange kind of strips. Nothing like a beardie's markings like i've seen; kind of like a tiger. He eat's well also, and is pretty docile, but a little skiddish.

I will try and post pics shortly; anyone have any suggestions on what these guys might be?

Thank you!

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