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Re: and .....

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Posted by honuman on April 18, 2003 at 10:34:31:

In Reply to: Re: and ..... posted by Zak92647 on April 18, 2003 at 01:06:21:

::It is best to try and make your pond around 3 feet deep. This will also benefit the little guys as it will help them escape predation by allowing them to dive down to a reasonably safe depth at the first sign of a predator.

:Thanks so much for the advice. Based on what you have given me I'm thinking about an oval around 275 gallons (3.5x3.5x3) with one side beveled into a ramp to get out of water to bask. One question though, for hibernation do I need to lay down a layer of rock or pond gravel to give them an area to rest in during the winter months? Or do they hibernate out of the water? This is one last area I'm a little unsure about. Thanks againg for all the help. I'll post pictures when I get it completed.

Sliders hibernate underwater. Some people provide a layer of sand at the bottom or even some large caves others allow leaf litter to fall into the pond (this gets messy and also if you live in an area where the water will freeze over you have to make sure there is a whole kept open in the surface at all times so that gases from the rotting leaves do not build up under the ice and poison your sleeping turtles). They can hibernate on clean bottom to. There is some advantage to this as they can be easily located and you can haul them up and check on the during their hibernation time to make sure everything is okay with them.

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