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Re: NEED SOME RESPONSES PLEASE RE: introduction of new Tegus

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Posted by Blakes_girl on April 19, 2003 at 00:33:17:

In Reply to: NEED SOME RESPONSES PLEASE RE: introduction of new Tegus posted by mnlobrien on April 18, 2003 at 17:02:27:

I vote for using the divider. See how the larger female responds to that, and let us know how it goes. With a clear barrier, at least they can all see each other and maybe slowly get used to the presence of each other and maybe your larger female will chill out a bit.

:I posted down below a few days ago about introducing my lone female to a new pair of red Tegus I purchased. Well I tried the two girls first and it was pretty rough. I later (the next day) introduced my lone girl to the pair. I placed the lone female into a the pairs enclosure and more of the same. However, she attacked the male more vigoursly. At one point (the point where I seperated the lone female) she grabbed the male by the leg and went into a violent "alligator death roll". Is this a sign that there is no hope for cohabitating the trio? Should I make a clear dividor to allow them to see one another but not contact each other? Should I get the new pair up to the same size as me girl? (they are only slightly smaller in length but my gir is a big fatty) Lastly, would you assume that because she attacked the male so intensly that my girl is a male? (I probed her and I could swear she is female) I really could use your thoughts and advice here!

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