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Quibbling, Ray(Others may be interested in this post)

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Posted by Buzztail1 on January 02, 2003 at 05:47:59:

In Reply to: Lies again Karl (Others may not be interested in this post) posted by rayhoser on January 02, 2003 at 01:48:13:

:Karl you wrote:
:"I made no direct reference to you in my above post." and yet my name 'rayhoser' appeared on line three of that very post by you.
Technically correct. I cut and pasted your entire post from the other forum. My mistake. I made no direct reference to you other than to leave your name attached to your post. How's that?
:It seems you can't even grasp simple truths like that!
:So I say to you
:1/ Get a grip on the facts
Firmly gripped.
:2/ Get a grip on life!
You have no idea.
:3/ Maybe if you stopped flaming, I'd be able to stop pointing out your errors and misleading scurrilous conduct.
Maybe you should look "scurrilous" up. Webster's defines scurrilous as:
Using indecent or abusive language; coarse; vulgar; foulmouthed 2 containing coarse vulgarisms or indecent abuse none of which applies to any of my posts.

:4/ Why not try keeping your mouth shut and perhaps not so many people would see your own ignorance.
LOL My thanks to you for your concern about how others perceive me. I sure am greatly concerned about that. I would post the definition of ignorance but I believe you can look that one up. If you would really like to address my lack of education, perhaps you should enquire as to what my level of education is.
:All the best to you and my apologies to other disinterested people who have to put up with your tripe clogging this forum and my (probably) unneccessary responses.
All the best to me but shut up, huh? Thanks. I have made my point. It does not go unnoticed that you didn't address any of the points made in my posts. As usual, you fill your posts with belittling attacks and call the other poster a flamer. Okay Ray, you win because I don't feel the need to continue a war with you. You make it very evident that you don't know me and don't care to respond in a civil manner to anything I say. I actually do have a life.
Done responding to you. Have a happy new year.
My apologies to the regulars of this forum. I will take my leave of you now as I am not a regular and do not mean to clog your forum with my "tripe".
Karl H. Betz
PS By the way, "quibbling" means in part an evasion of the main point as by emphasizing some petty detail TaTa KHB

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