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omg, i feel so bad for, i cant imagine

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Posted by chondro on April 21, 2002 at 18:46:15:

In Reply to: THE SNAKE PIT WAS BURGLARIZED!! PLEASE READ AND RESPOND?? posted by Neil Gubitz - The Snake Pit of Tampa Bay, FL on December 16, 2001 at 18:12:39:

I live in Atl, so I dont know if there is much I can do to help, but I am going to the datona show and some other Florida shows, and If i see some shady people with anything you mentioned here I will give you a call, I cant imagine how upset you are, I am furious and they arent even my animals, I hope you find those people, and I hope you have some alon time with them before you call the cops if you find to give them something to remember you buy while they sit in jail for the next 10 years. Once again I am so sorry and I will keep my ears pealed for "hot" herps(no pun intended,ha)
I hope you can recover, and find the horrible people who did this,


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