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Posted by Neil Gubitz - The Snake Pit of Tampa Bay, FL on December 16, 2001 at 18:12:39:

The Snake Pit of Tampa Bay, FL was BURGLARIZED and VANDALIZED last night (12/15-16)!! I am so mad, I'm fuming! I'm SURE I know who is behind this burglary and I'm going to spend THOUSANDS to have THEM investigated and hopefully prosecuted!! Not only did they STEAL my 6' Female Albino Boa, 7' Male Anery Boa, 1.1 adult Red-Blood-Tiger Beardies, 1.1 PURE adult German Giant Beardies, 1.1 adult Yellow-Sandfire Beardies, 0.0.1 Baby Yellow Biak Chondro, and about $200 cash...they also KILLED some of the animals FOR NO REASON WHAT-SO-EVER!! AND, JUST FOR FUN!, SMASHED OUT THE GLASS of almost EVERY TANK in the store and just left the animals IN THE TANKS WITH ALL THE BROKEN GLASS!! They also took ALL my mice and rat bins and turned them upside down, letting ALL the mice and rats RUN FREE around the store!! A lot of the snakes ate things that were MUCH TOO BIG for them! If and WHEN I do find out who did this, it's going to make what they do to Bin Laden seem like child's play!! Needless to say....if any of my FRIENDS out there hear of ANYTHING related to the animals that were stolen OR the persons responsible for this....I will DEFINITELY make it WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE ON YOUR OWN!! I am putting up a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest of these individuals (DEAD or ALIVE!)!! And I will pay (another) FINDER'S FEE if ANY of my STOLEN ANIMALS happen to just "walk through my door"!...NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!
Please folks....check around and find out who actually did this horrible thing??? If you hear of ANYTHING, just call me at 1-813-679-3486 ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT or call the TAMPA POLICE DEPT!! I WILL NOT REST until I find out who it was!! PLEASE HELP??? Thanks.....Neil

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