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Outstanding! Start counting the days....

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Posted by chrish on March 24, 2003 at 12:14:03:

In Reply to: To Chris H posted by Mr.Man on March 24, 2003 at 09:36:41:

My female miliaris is so fat that I'm afraid I could miss ovulation even if I happened to catch it in progress.

Start the countdown as I would love to know how many days it takes for miliaris. In other erycines, I have found that birth usually takes place around 80 days after ovulation. I beleive this is a better predictor of birth date than anything else I have tried to use (there is no prelaying shed, and the exact date of fertilization is really hard to pin down).

Last year my miliaris bred early. My female appeared to be ovulating on March 4th and I had seen courtship the week before. She gave birth on May 15th (sooner than usual - she usually gives birth in mid to late June). This was 72 days after ovulation.

If my hypothesis is correct, you should have babies in the first two weeks of June (6/4 is 72 days from 3/24). Assume the variance is +/- 4 days, then I would be checking the cage every morning starting about the first of June through the tenth.

Let me know if this is when it happens. I would love to have another data point for my hypothesis.

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