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Posted by jfmoore on March 24, 2003 at 16:05:41:

In Reply to: A photo of my ovulating miliaris from last year. posted by chrish on March 24, 2003 at 12:37:03:

::My female miliaris is so fat that I'm afraid I could miss ovulation even if I happened to catch it in progress.

::Start the countdown as I would love to know how many days it takes for miliaris. In other erycines, I have found that birth usually takes place around 80 days after ovulation. I beleive this is a better predictor of birth date than anything else I have tried to use (there is no prelaying shed, and the exact date of fertilization is really hard to pin down).

::Last year my miliaris bred early. My female appeared to be ovulating on March 4th and I had seen courtship the week before. She gave birth on May 15th (sooner than usual - she usually gives birth in mid to late June). This was 72 days after ovulation.

::If my hypothesis is correct, you should have babies in the first two weeks of June (6/4 is 72 days from 3/24). Assume the variance is +/- 4 days, then I would be checking the cage every morning starting about the first of June through the tenth.

::Let me know if this is when it happens. I would love to have another data point for my hypothesis.


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