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Re: Temperament of sand boas?

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Posted by chrish on March 06, 2003 at 00:30:53:

In Reply to: Temperament of sand boas? posted by ReptiGuy2000 on March 05, 2003 at 17:31:37:

I have kept and bred Rough-scaleds, Indian (smooth-scaleds), Desert, Tartar, Spotted and Kenyan/Egyptian sand boas over the years. Generally they are extremely trustworthy and don't bite from the moment they are born.

However, the two species I think are the exception are the two most common species (Kenyans and Rough-scaleds). While many of these two species are dog tame from birth, once in a while you get a real fiesty one. Generally they will calm down, but I have seen some of both species that maintained their attitude into adulthood.

I have to agree with the previous post that Indian (Smooth-scaleds) are great snakes! They are docile and much more relaxed when handled that Kenyans or Rough-scaleds in my experience (much more like a Rosy or Rubber boa). I think they make the best pets of all the Sand Boas (and maybe better pets than Rosy and Rubber boas!).

I also breed Desert Sand Boas (E. miliaris) and these are dog tame snakes. They are smaller than some of the other species, but they are really easy to care for. The only biting concern with miliaris is when they think they are being fed. They don't mess around like other sand boas, they charge headfirst at the incoming food item - more like a python in that regard.

If you want a Kenyan, make sure you get to handle it first. Generally, if the baby snake is docile, it will remain so. The snappy ones start off snappy.

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